Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Get set go...........

Hi all……..

After thinking for a long time, I started writing my first blog, if you knew me you may wonder why should I think this much for blogging as I am a big chatterbox. The actual reason is when I gone thru some of my friend’s blog it was all in English, wait wait am not a DK person to be against English but writing that too without a grammar mistake or speeling mistake sorry sorry spelling mistake (even that I will manage by saying it as sms style) is very difficult for me. Bindu, Gayathri, Sharada please help me……..(all are my English teachers, I remember them because of their appearance….he….he…..he…….)

Sari…..sari…..matterku varen………For a long time I thought to have a Dairy writing habit…….even I tried it too………I use to start writing dairy when my dad use to gift me with one, on every January but it wont last till Dec 31st……max by Jan 4th or 5th it will come to an end………then my balance date sheets will smell new……

In order to justify my dairy writing laziness, I convinced my self as “ machaan dairy writing is all old fashion da, you should be different da”…….so I thought to have a note book in which I will record my feelings, emotions happenings etc…….the two main reason why I chose that source is, writing need not be every day as like dairy writing. Second it wont revert me back “dai…..dai..podhum da mokka podaatha da…..” but I am not sure why dint I apt for that…….

Then I happen to read my friend srikumar and rajiv’s blog I thought why don’t I give a try…….

Hence now I graced the world’s blogging habit with my first blog……..